Shimmer Quilt – Part 3

My clamshell “Shimmer” quilt has been a labor of love and persistence – for such a relatively small piece, it sure has been labor intensive! But I’ve enjoyed each step of the process as it stretched my creative muscles to experiment with new-to-me products, techniques and approaches.

Below is my completed quilt top. It’s a little wrinkly, as there was an unfortunate incident overnight with a leaky pipe right above my worktable that left my quilt top not only soaked but stained when I found it in the morning, and I had to wash the unquilted top. Not usually recommended! 

I also had some bleeding from the dark purple fabrics. I’ve always prewashed everything in the past; but in this case, I had followed the recommendations from Bluprint (formerly Craftsy) and I did not do so. I will never skip that step again!

The fabric shrank a little when I washed it, creating the appearance of small tucks and wrinkles in the quilt top. At this point, I was hoping they would disappear when I quilted the top.

I was very discouraged by these developments, but decided to press on.

Shimmer clamshell quilt top designed and made by Beth Ann Williams

I considered an all-over free-motion quilting design, as that has been my go-to approach in the past. But in the spirit of trying something new, I opted to treat each individual patch as an opportunity to play with a different motif or style of patterning. But first I stabilized the quilt top by quilting on either side of each patch to create an all-over latticework which I also extended into the white negative space around the outer edges of the quilt.

This left me with very tiny spaces to fill with free-motion quilting, but it was also fun. 😀

Shimmer clamshell quilt by Beth Ann Williams – free-motion quilting in progress.

Sometimes I could travel from the bottom tip of one clamshell to the next, but not always. So I used the all-over latticework as a highway to travel between the clamshells – stitching right on top of previously stitched lines as needed.

Shimmer clamshell quilt by Beth Ann Williams, free motion quilting in progress.

Once again, I used Aurifil’s clear monofilament thread as my top thread and Invisifil in my bobbin.

I used a new-to-me brand of bleached white batting so that I wouldn’t have a yellowish cast coming through the white fabric – as I might have had if I had used the unbleached batting I normally used.

The batting was 100% cotton instead of the 80/20 blend I usually use, which resulted in a more “crinkly” finish after the quilt was washed. It’s a little harder now to make out the fine details of the machine quilting; so I think if (when) I free-motion quilt on such a small scale again, I will go back to the Hobb’s Heirloom  80/20 cotton/poly blend.

But it’s finished!

It may not look perfectly square as it’s shown here, pinned up on my design wall, but I promise that it truly is and that the edges are nice and straight! 

Shimmer clamshell quilt designed and made by quilt by Beth Ann Williams


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Beth Ann

When health challenges made hand-sewing (and hand appliqué and hand-quilting) no longer physically viable for her, Beth Ann’s first instinct was dismay and discouragement. But Grandma Baldwin gave her a loving (but stern!) “No pity parties – just figure out a different way.” So Beth Ann turned to her trusty sewing machine and began devising ways to achieve the fine quality appliqué look she craved faster and easier than she ever thought possible. And a career was born! Now Beth Ann enjoys sharing her accessible “invisible” machine appliqué and creative machine quilting techniques with other quilters and fiber artists around the world.

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